Friday, December 30, 2011

Gyoza and Rice

This was a pretty simple bento. I actually made fried rice and gyoza for dinner Friday night, and put leftovers in the bento for Saturday.

On one side there is plain white rice. I added it in before using the rest for fried rice, which is on the other side of the box. I don't have a specific recipe for fried rice as I've made it so many times I can pretty much do it without thinking.

For this batch, I've got long grain white rice, scrambled egg, green onion, canned chicken, and frozen mixed veggis. The veggis were a "stir fry" mix, including broccoli, onions, carrots, snap peas, and little noodles. I also used soy sauce and mirin for seasoning - two parts soy sauce to one part mirin (usually two tablespoons soy sauce and one of mirin, unless I make too much rice and need extra flavoring).

The gyoza are a little more complicated. Even though I've made them about a dozen times now, I can't remember the exact ingredients without looking at a recipe. The recipe actually calls for ground pork but I use ground turkey, along with green onions, ginger, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, and garlic salt. I tend to skip the cabbage, mainly because it is hard to buy only a small amount at a time and if I can't come up with something else cabbage-y to make right away the unused portion goes bad. I mix the ingredients together and then put small amounts into gyoza wrappers and fold them up. This part takes a long time but is easier than I thought it would be (I watched a video online to learn the proper way to seal the wrappers). The gyoza are fried until the bottoms are just browned, and then water is added to the pan and they are steamed until finished cooking. Most of the time they come out pretty well, though on occasion the bottoms have been burnt because I fried them too long or wasn't paying close enough attention.

This isn't a particularly fancy bento, but the food is filling and good and stuff I know how to make so it is a good start for getting back into the hobby. I'll try making something a little more complicated next time ... maybe.