Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beef Yakiniku and Sesame Noodles

I am a freelance writer working from home, so I don't take lunch with me very often. TheBoyfriend is now also home most of the day, as he is doing part time jobs at the moment. This means I'm not making very many bentos lately. However, I do cook dinner at least four nights a week, and most of those are awesome Asian or Asian-inspired dishes. So I'll continue to post those for a while, and if a bento comes up I'll make sure that gets a shout-out as well.

Tonight for dinner I made one of my fave recipes - beef yakiniku. This is a type of stir fried beef in an extremely tasty sauce. I first had it at a couple of years ago and fell madly and totally in love with it. It took a while to find a recipe to make at home that was just as good, but I think I've finally managed to get it right.

Green peppers and onions are cut into small pieces and then stir fried with oil in the electric wok. Flank steak, also sliced into thin pieces, is added in and cooked until brown. A sauce made up of soy sauce, mirin, garlic, and a few other ingredients is added in and allowed to thicken.*

While I was cooking up the beef I also made large pot of easy sesame noodles. I've mentioned them on here before. I like this particular recipe a lot because it is so easy to make, even if my brain is focused mainly on something else at the same time. And the end product is super tasty. I haven't had a single complaint yet, at any rate, and that works for me.

*I never include full recipes because I'm working off ones created by other people usually (except for with fried rice) and I don't want anyone getting the idea that I made them up myself. If you want to know the exact recipe for something that I've used, leave me a message and I'll forward you information on where to find them.

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