Monday, June 18, 2012

Four-Cheese Lasagna

Obviously this is not any type of Asian recipe, but I am so excited that I not only attempted this but that it came out super awesome tasty wow, that I just have to blog about it.

I found the recipe online after going through quite a few of them. I wanted one that made a real lasagna, but wasn't so complicated that I'd get frustrated and mess it up. This included four cheeses: parmesan, mozarella, ricotta, and cottage, as well as ground meat, spagetti sauce, diced tomatoes, onions, and noodles.

I used ground turkey to make it slightly less fattening, as well as zesty spagetti sauce and fire-roasted tomatoes. I think they helped add flavor as the turkey was a little bland. I also used the no-cook noodles as opposed to the kind that must be boiled first. They were thinner than regular lasagna noodles, and I worried a bit about the top layer because I wasn't sure they were softening up right, but once it was done baking and I cut into it everything was fine.

The next time I try this recipe I may spice up the meat a little when cooking it, just to give it a little flavor. But otherwise I think this recipe turned out pretty awesome. I know everyone had seconds if not thirds, so it can't have been that bad. :)

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